Furthering the singing of Christ exalting music through traditional & modern hymns, psalms, & spiritual songs for worship to our holy God
'..speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord' — Ephesians 5:19 (LSB)
Our Process
Finding Christ exalting & Scripture saturated songs that are rich in Biblical thelogy isn't simply a matter of finding a catchy tune or looking at a list of the top songs on the Christian radio or in most churches. In all honesty, we have had to review several playlists over the years to weed out songs that had made it in years prior but needed to be removed due to the artist's integrity in the fait or a shortcoming in our lyrical discernment process at the time it was added. Here are the 4 checks & balances that the Worship through Song team goes through with every single song and artist before adding content to any of our playlists*.
*some older playlists are still in review and may be adjusted to fit these criteria better in the coming months (Aug 2022)
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Questions about this? Want to submit a song or artist for consideration?